Indian Head Massage is part of the Ayurvedic system. Ayurveda, the “Science of Life” is an ancient Indian medical system, believed by many to be the oldest medical system in the world. It emphasizes the uniqueness of the individual, aiming to restore balance and inner harmony to mind, body and spirit, improving health and prolonging life. Ayuveda recommends the use of massage, mainly to improve blood circulation and expel toxins from the body.
Indian women traditionally practiced head massage as part of their grooming, initially limiting it to the head and hair, with the objective of keeping hair in beautiful condition. Barbers also practiced, combining haircuts with “champi” (head massage). The tradition was brought to the west by Narendra Mehta, a blind therapist who grew up in India and trained in England as a physiotherapist in the 1970s. Disappointed that massage in England did not extend to the head, he formalized techniques for head massage to include the neck, shoulders and upper arms as well as the head, combining massage with Ayurvedic elements of energy points or charkas, creating a therapy he called Indian Champissage. It is based on acupressure massage, and its benefits are felt throughout the body. The upper arms, shoulders, neck, head and face are massaged to promote relaxation and relieve tension.